All Birds Venezuela
A complete field guide to identify all bird species ever recorded in Venezuela
Blue Label
It is based on the renowned reference work of the Helm Guide Series “Birds of Northern South America” by Robin Restall, Clemencia Rodner, and Miguel Lentino. The creation of apps from the book is a co-production between Bloomsbury Plc and Sunbird Images.
Ornithomedia writes about the app:
“Ergonomie agréable et claire”
You can map birds with GPS, make your own lists or simply enjoy the app listening to bird sounds or browsing the species. This exceptional app has been developed by passionate field ornithologists and published ecologists.
This app offers comprehensive content
all 1,412 Venezuelan bird species, including vagrants and endemics that can be displayed
selection of 4,620 illustrations from the reference work Helm Guide Series "Birds of Northern South America"
more than 3,000 bird songs and calls with sonograms
detailed distribution maps of Northern South America down to subspecies level
species accounts with valuable insights on each bird
6 different bird name languages available