Vogel Id Gartenvögel bestimmen
Vögel im Garten identifizieren
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Vogel Id is a nature guide to identify the most common bird species in Germany – including all bird songs!
The selection of species was not made randomly as is the case with many other bird apps but Vogel Id describes the 100 officially most frequently seen bird species as documented by the annual bird counts carried out by the German Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU).
The special thing about this app: In order to precisely identify a bird no previous or ornithological expert knowledge whatsoever is required! Particularly helpful in this respect are the fantastic photos which show all bird species in their natural environment.
The app is in German language.
This app offers comprehensive content
the 100 most common bird species in Germany
at least one photo to each species
bird songs and/ or calls to each species
descriptions to each bird species incl. ecology, habitat, size etc.
helpful information on each species’ taxonomy
playful bird quiz to test your bird knowledge