Birds of the Netherlands
A field guide to identify the bird species native to NL and Holland

Red Label
The app includes all birds that are usually recorded more than 10x annually, meaning it also includes all commoner vagrants. It has been developed by passionate field ornithologists and published ecologists.
This app provides extensive texts and data for each bird species with information to appearance, ecology, population size, frequency, habitat and much more. The texts for this app have especially been written for the Netherlands. This holds for population size, abundance, breeding status, local distribution etc.
Despite the abundance of species provided: in order to precisely identify a bird no previous knowledge or ornithological expert skills are required.
This app offers comprehensive content
includes the 266 species native to the Netherlands
1,383 well selected photographs, all in HD quality
586 bird songs and calls
19 different bird name languages available
extensive descriptions to every species with 25 sub-features each!
egg photos of 98% of the species
