Pilze Sammeln, Bestimmen und Zubereiten – der Pilzführer für Wald und Natur

Red Label
This mushroom guide is the ideal companion to identify mushrooms in nature! The selection of species covers the 100 most common and easy to identify mushrooms in 400 photos.
This app is particularly suited for beginners!
This app has been developed by published biologists with more than 30 years experience in collecting mushrooms. This experience also helps the inexperienced gatherer to distinguish edible mushrooms from their poisonous doubles in the field. He learns which mushrooms grow under which trees and from the texts gains a lot of important information to each species.
This app offers comprehensive content
the 100 most common mushrooms
each species is illustrated with selected photos showing the mushrooms in their natural environment
introductory text with tips and tricks for collecting mushrooms
very special to this app: elaborate information on a mushroom’s appearance, synonyms, taxonomy (relatedness), habitat, possibilities for confusion, similar species, poisonousness, first aid
German and scientific name of each mushroom available
an additional plus: 50 delicious mushroom recipes for different mushroom species
