Mammal Guide of Southern Africa
Learn about the mammals of Southern Africa
Red Label
Based on the renowned reference work “Mammals of Southern Africa” from Burger Cillié, the app covers 135 of the most common mammal species the southern African sub-region. This app is a co-production between BRIZA Publications and SUNBIRD IMAGES, creator of professional mobile field guides. With more than 200 excellent colour images, plus distribution maps, tracks, and animal calls this app is the ultimate digital pocket field guide! Easy identification with the most advanced compare mode. This app was produced and designed by experienced biologists. Professional designers have created a user interface which allows a simple and intuitive handling.
This app offers comprehensive content
135 species, covering all larger mammals in the entire southern African region
each species is illustrated with selected photos showing the mammal in their natural environment, more than 200 images in total
special to this app: animal tracks plus calls including spectrograms when available
comprehensive description of each species providing information on taxonomy, sexual dimorphism, voice, habitat, habits, food and breeding, enemies as well as data on life expectancy, mass/ weight etc.
distribution map of each species in South Africa
species names available in 5 different languages (English, Latin, Afrikaans, French, and German)