Baum Id Schweiz – Naturführer
Alle Schweizer Bäume bestimmen

Red Label
The ideal nature guide for when you are out and about, to identify trees in the forest and park, along roadsides or in nature. In this way, all species native to Switzerland can be identified quickly and easily! The app is fun for the whole family with which children can get to know the local flora in a playful way.
The app is aimed at people with and without previous knowledge. For the expert there is a wealth of information on anatomy and ecology for every native tree and shrub species.
The application developed by two biologists with a doctorate can regularly be found across Europe among the top ten in the reference category in Apple and has been voted the best natural application by the BBC in England.
This app offers comprehensive content
covers all native and naturalised species (trees + shrubs) of Switzerland
well selected photos of the whole tree as well as leaves, bark, flower, and fruits
extensive descriptions of each species height, shape, bark, leaf, flower, fruit, buds, branching, and type of tree
comprehensive data on each species ecology, incl. location, soil preference, status, distribution, ecological value, timber, firewood as well as medicinal and other uses
helpful information on each species’ taxonomy
each species name available in German and Latin
