

Sunbird Images develops apps that are successfully used in schools and training of young people. Schools and other educational institutions enhance their classes with digital products. In the field of biology, especially ecology and species knowledge, Sunbird Images’ apps provide valuable assistance. Due to their intuitive usability and the scientifically based specialist information, the already existing apps can be seamlessly integrated into different learning concepts.  

 The apps can be used together in class, but also in the students’ free time to explore the living environment and learn more about animals and plants. That’s why Sunbird Images’ apps are also used in schools and further education around the globe. Not only the Peace Corps uses Sunbird Images apps to teach environmental education in Guyana, but also public and private schools use the apps for different age groups to support biology classes. The apps are a modern and cost-effective alternative to textbooks or customized solutions. Depending on the level of education and the grade, different apps can be considered as learning tools. 

SUnbird Apps

Identify British Butterflies

With automatic photo recognition

An example for the educational use of such an app is the popular Butterfly Id App. This app contains all butterflies of the British Isles and is used in Scotland and England at different schools. It gives children a real introduction to the British insect world during biology lessons. The app contains multiple images and many informative facts about the native butterfly species. Thus it serves as a perfect preparation for excursions.  

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During the lessons in the field, the focus of the educational application is on the manual identification of butterflies using the intuitive manual Id key. The students learn to identify characteristic traits which are used to narrow down species. This not only promotes their ability to identify butterflies, but this can also be transferred to other animal groups. The students thus increase knowledge about taxonomy and understanding basics rules of classifying organisms. 

The built-in AI with automatic photo recognition, mainly aimed at the interested layman, is an invaluable learning support here, as the students can independently check their results for accuracy. As we know from actual case studies, the AI in combination with a mobile phone that is always with us motivates students to use our apps outside of school and together with friends and family members. Thus, with the help of this app, we encourage kids and adults all over the world to learn more about their environment and become wildlife and nature ambassadors themselves.