Tailored to your needs
Since Sunbird Images became active with developing mobile applications in the year 2009 we have collaborated with a variety of over 100 business partners. Whereas in the first few years we have mainly focused on in-licensing content to be incorporated into our frameworks Sunbird soon got commissioned with building apps. Organisations as different as universities, other scientific institutions, the international publishing industry, various governmental institutions, and also business corporations of various sizes and locations have been working with Sunbird Images to fulfil their needs.
Commissioned contracts include a variety of very different tasks and projects such as building tailor-made apps, creating AI-based optical or acoustic learning algorithms, carrying out citizen science projects or helping to create learning tools for educational institutions in the digital age to name but a few.
Often multiple skills (AI competence, app  building capabilities, knowledge about App Store dynamics, expertise with complex scientific, especially biological content, as well as the knowledge how to connect complex databases to apps, etc.) are being used in one single project to fulfil customers needs. So, please do get in contact with us if you have an idea in mind where we might be able to help with our skills!

NABU vogelwelt
The “NABU Vogelwelt” app allows you to identify and learn about all bird species native to Germany. The app addresses every bird lover and nature enthusiast who cares about the protection of our nature and its diversity.
“NABU Vogelwelt” is the most downloaded app in Germany to identify birds.
dG Mammals
The SWAROVSKI OPTIK dG Mammals app is the only app that can automatically identify mammals.
It was developed as a collaboration between Swarovski Optik and Sunbird Images. In combination with the SWAROVSKI OPTIK dG device the app allows you to identify and map a total of 100 European mammals that can be observed in the wild.
In addition to the automatic recognition function the app enables you to share the observations you make through the SWAROVSKI OPTIK dG device via livestream with others.

Caterpillar Id USA East Coast
All Birds Switzerland
You can map birds with GPS, make your own lists or simply enjoy the app listening to bird sounds or browsing the species. This exceptional app has been developed by passionate field ornithologists and published ecologists.

BienABest is a scientific project to preserve and increase the ecosystem service “pollination by wild bees”. The project, which involves various scientific institutions, is developing methods to prevent the drastic decline of wild bee populations.